Where have the ‘billions’ gone?

If our communities are the main beneficiaries of Social Value, our community organisations must be central actors in the process. To what extent are our community organisations aware of Social Value, how it works and have they benefited?

Given the Cost of Living Crisis, the Energy Crisis and the Housing Crisis, not to mention a decade of of Austerity, we want to know how communities are actually benefiting from Social Value.

Via our Social Value platforms – Social Value Exchange and MatchMyProject – we have direct access to community beneficiaries.

We asked 200 organisations 3 simple questions and here are the results.

This is the start of an ongoing conversation. Our next set of questions will try and shed some light on where the billions in Social Value committed at tender stage have been allocated and what those resources comprise.

We’d love to hear from you…

Get in touch with the team.

Email: hello@socialvalueexchange.org

Telephone: 020 3488 6223

We’re on Twitter and LinkedIn too.

Get our free ‘7 Things to Think About If You’re Doing Social Value and Want to Do It Right’.

A national Social Value research project, co-authored by the Social Value Exchange and Social Value UK

Our research goal is to understand the extent to which Social Value committed by suppliers at tender stage is delivered, and how that is being verified. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests there are challenges around verification of delivery of Social Value, particularly by independent third parties. If Social Value isn’t making a difference in our local communities, it will become discredited as a policy programmme. 

We’d love to have you involved. We think you’d make a valuable contribution. 

We’re creating: 

1. A small steering group that will review our methodology, findings and recommendations, which would require 45 mins of your time each fortnight for 2 months. We are looking for 6 – 10 senior procurement professionals for these positions.

2. An interview series, where we are aiming to speak to a wide range of local government procurement professionals. This would require 45 minutes for the interview and a further half an hour to review the overall findings and get your feedback.

This will take place over March and April 2022 (with the aim being to wind up the data nd information gathering before the Easter holidays). 

We think local govt folk are committed to Social Value and want to see it make a difference in our local communities.

We also value your time, so to the first 10 people that sign up, we are offering:

– Free use of our SVE Return On Investment calculator, which will generate a number of scenarios for your Social Value creation, in terms of direct funding and resources, community benefits and additional Social Value

– A day’s free consultancy to help you identify measures to ensure your Social Value is delivered and can be verified. 

This consultancy will be informed by the findings of the research project, which means you’ll be benefiting from new insights before anyone else in government.  

Everyone who signs up gets free use of the SVE Return on Investment calculator: if you want to be part of this project, tell us how here!

We think this might be helpful…

‘7 Things To Think About If You’re Doing Social Value And Want To Do It Right’

We’d love to hear from you.

Email: hello@socialvalueexchange.org

Telephone: 020 3488 6223

We’re on Twitter and LinkedIn too.

This issue remains unresolved by our Social Value ‘stewards’ and is fundamental to the success of Social Value as public policy. Here are our chief exec’s thoughts.

Viability assessments… a cautionary tale

Social Value in public procurement offers an opportunity to make lasting, tangible and significant improvements to our civic life. Given our current circumstances, this is an opportunity we cannot let pass us by. But right now, there is a real risk of it being squandered. This would be a tremendous shame. Going back a few years, we can learn from a cautionary tale in another part of local government.

From 2012, national planning rules enabled the widespread abuse of viability assessments. Viability assessments are the sizing of the profit a developer can make from a building development. If expected profits are below 20%, the number of affordable homes the developer is required to build under Section 106 agreements can be reduced. As a result, developers can overpay for land to secure sites, and make up the difference by negotiating down community benefits. Land prices go up while communities lose out on affordable homes. The integrity of viability assessments is shot.

There are important parallels with the current situation with regard to Social Value. Dr Adam Richards, Head of Impact at Social Value UK, the national membership body, reflects on: 

“…Some of the bad practice in local government social value procurement where an over focus on quantities has arguably led to a race to the bottom in fairly meaningless claims of Social Value. For example; equating Social Value with ‘number of jobs’ or ‘number of apprentices’ is an extremely blunt way to consider Social Value and putting large numbers behind these has led to bold, mostly unverified claims of Social Value.”

In both cases, we see the risks of an over-reliance on financial modelling in the determination of community benefits.

Stack ’em, pack ’em & rack ’em

In a previous life, I was a management consultant. I worked on the large central government transformation programmes of the early 2000s, as New Labour sought to rationalise the public sector. I helped drive out ‘wastes’ identified by the Gershon reviews and co-opted peformance management techniques from the manufacturing sector to do so. Interestingly, the mantra ‘if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’ was uttered by fewer people in the industry than you might think.

But if you can’t see it, you can’t value it. Financial proxies are very much dependent on what you can feasibly measure. A lot of things that are literally or practically impossible to quantify financially are rendered, for all intents and purposes, invisible.

For instance, the impact of community led initiatives to improve educational outcomes can be quantified because these have research based unit costs associated with changes in them. But there are many potential benefits. To local schools generally. To teachers’ and other pupils’ wellbeing and educational outcomes. Most importantly, to the children’s mental and physical health. You could identify myriad direct and indirect effects that would be difficult to quantify in cash terms.

In addition, quantifying financial proxies can permit impacts to be generalised across interventions, though only in terms of what is measured; it is misleading to compare different interventions with such limited measures.

There are deep, methodological issues with this approach to valuing what is important in our civic life.

This is a choice

Social Value is about creating community benefits. Understanding what works at grassroots level is central to delivering these benefits. Right now, Social Value works for procurement folk and suppliers, less so for local communities. Moreover, the ‘bold, mostly unverified claims of Social Value’ that Dr Richards refers to risk creating a ‘credibility gap’ as the distance between rhetoric and reality grows. Millions of pounds worth of community benefits are being committed to in procurement exercises, but how much of these new resources are getting to where they are really needed? In time, this credibility gap will undermine’s people’s belief in Social Value.

The National TOMs is an auditor’s tool, not the tool of a public servant who wants to effect change for local communities. Yes, pure descriptions of every community initiative – in the form of individual case studies – may be true to the complexity of reality. They would also be highly labour intensive, impractical and, most importantly, difficult to compare and generalise. At the other end of the spectrum, the National TOMs, a set of financial values based on simplifying assumptions, allows comparisons to be made whilst sacrificing some validity of those comparisons. The National TOMs are problematic. In their quieter moments, even their advocates agree.

And yet, the LGA has promoted the National TOMs and set up the National Social Value Taskforce. Worryingly, the Taskforce is riven by a conflict of interest clear to everyone: it is managed by the dominant private sector provider in the Social Value market, whose main product is based on the implementation of the National TOMs. A useful analogy would be if the UK Government announced a taskforce on the future of the Internet and asked Google to run it, who then precluded its competitors from having a seat at the table. The National Social Value Taskforce is widely seen as a ‘closed shop’.

The National TOMs framework and the supporting tools enable scaling. But by sandblasting away the detail that tells us what’s of genuine value. These tools won’t incorporate a qualitative approach to understanding impact, because this would require engaging with beneficiaries, with people, which in turns increases marginal costs…

And if the use of financial proxies in the determination of social impact outcomes is highly questionable, I would argue their use at the other end of the process – in the procurement exercise – is unnecessary.

Putting a financial value on the Social Value commitments offered by competing suppliers enables procurers to score ‘objectively’. A simple points system could be used, which is an honest acknowledgement that these are all estimates.

Moreover, such a system can enable commissioning and procurement teams to use the value of particular resources to local people as a basis for determining their value in the tender process. Apprenticeships may have a high financial value in the National TOMs, but may not actually be what a particular ward or community need. But to increase the perceived value of a Social Value offer, suppliers will always ‘max out’. It’s gaming, pure and simple.

It’s not the fault of the suppliers. It’s the responsibility of local government.

If methodological parsimony is about getting value for your variables, the National TOMs short change our communities: the very constituency Social Value claims to champion.

Things are beginning to change…

Where poor choices got us into this situation, new ideas are getting us out of it. Static spreadsheets of financial proxies are a 20th century solution. Data and tech; the growing acknowledgment of good service design; user experience and interaction – all these things mean things are changing for the better. Here’s a starter for ten:

– Social Value Brokerage is a ‘thing’ – go find out about how organisations are using ‘sharing economy‘ principles to create win-wins for local communities and businesses

– The VCSE working group emerging within the Social Value community, whose goal it is to ensure the VCSE sector is contributing to the agenda – get in touch with me if you want to contribute

– The Social Procurement Festival curated by Supply Change, which will gather buyers from across the public and private sectors to share best practice in social procurement and network with social enterprise suppliers.

– The Social Value Model, which makes such an important contribution with its focus on quality as well as quantity.

The last 12 months have shown us that community matters. If we want to mobilise locally and if we want to do that effectively, we need our local community organisations in the room from the start. And we need them to be well-resourced.

Many have always understood this: now it’s being acknowledged by decision makers across government. This is the future. As Jake Ferguson, Hackney CVS CEO and adviser to the Mayor of London, put it in conversation with me:

‘Look, you need us now so put the proper investment in, talk to us as equals, have us round the table, don’t bring us in at the last stage of your planning considerations, have us in from the outset. We appreciate your challenges but we know where the pinch points are, the crunch points, the bits of the system that aren’t working’.

Every year £270bn of government spending can be leveraged to create community benefits. That would make a lasting, tangible and significant difference in our local communities and in our civic life. Let’s plan and deliver Social Value with our local communities in the driving seat, instead of a set of financial proxies.

We’d love to hear from you…

Get in touch with the team.

Email: hello@socialvalueexchange.org

Telephone: 020 3488 6223

We’re on Twitter and LinkedIn too.

The Community Impact Partnership has invested in the Social Value Exchange. As part of its investment, they asked for an independent evaluation of our work…

The Community Impact Partnership, made up of Peabody, L&Q, Clarion and Orbit housing associations, is committed to generating social impact and Social Value through their investments and has chosen to support the Social Value Exchange for this reason.

GRE Consulting, an independent socio-economic research and consultancy firm, was appointed to undertake an evaluation of the Social Value Exchange’s work to date. The market research combines a scoping study and consultation with a range of public sector organisations to help understand the current approaches to delivering and monitoring social value within the procurement process as well as the potential for SVE implementation.

The research team looked at how the impact of the Social Value Exchange, particularly in terms of the direct funds/resources generated for community projects and the additional community benefit achieved by using these resources to give an overall Social Value return on investment figure for contracting authorities (£222 for every pound invested).

Read the report here.

There is sensitive information contained in this report. Please get in touch with dan@socialvalueexchange.org for complete access.

We’d love to hear from you…

Get in touch with the team.

Email: hello@socialvalueexchange.org

Telephone: 020 3488 6223

We’re on Twitter and LinkedIn too.