Independent evaluation shows for every pound invested in the Social Value Exchange, our customers are getting £222 back

The Community Impact Partnership has invested in the Social Value Exchange. As part of its investment, they asked for an independent evaluation of our work…

The Community Impact Partnership, made up of Peabody, L&Q, Clarion and Orbit housing associations, is committed to generating social impact and Social Value through their investments and has chosen to support the Social Value Exchange for this reason.

GRE Consulting, an independent socio-economic research and consultancy firm, was appointed to undertake an evaluation of the Social Value Exchange’s work to date. The market research combines a scoping study and consultation with a range of public sector organisations to help understand the current approaches to delivering and monitoring social value within the procurement process as well as the potential for SVE implementation.

The research team looked at how the impact of the Social Value Exchange, particularly in terms of the direct funds/resources generated for community projects and the additional community benefit achieved by using these resources to give an overall Social Value return on investment figure for contracting authorities (£222 for every pound invested).

Read the report here.

There is sensitive information contained in this report. Please get in touch with for complete access.

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