Make Social Value Count – a new research project

A national Social Value research project, co-authored by the Social Value Exchange and Social Value UK

Our research goal is to understand the extent to which Social Value committed by suppliers at tender stage is delivered, and how that is being verified. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests there are challenges around verification of delivery of Social Value, particularly by independent third parties. If Social Value isn’t making a difference in our local communities, it will become discredited as a policy programmme. 

We’d love to have you involved. We think you’d make a valuable contribution. 

We’re creating: 

1. A small steering group that will review our methodology, findings and recommendations, which would require 45 mins of your time each fortnight for 2 months. We are looking for 6 – 10 senior procurement professionals for these positions.

2. An interview series, where we are aiming to speak to a wide range of local government procurement professionals. This would require 45 minutes for the interview and a further half an hour to review the overall findings and get your feedback.

This will take place over March and April 2022 (with the aim being to wind up the data nd information gathering before the Easter holidays). 

We think local govt folk are committed to Social Value and want to see it make a difference in our local communities.

We also value your time, so to the first 10 people that sign up, we are offering:

– Free use of our SVE Return On Investment calculator, which will generate a number of scenarios for your Social Value creation, in terms of direct funding and resources, community benefits and additional Social Value

– A day’s free consultancy to help you identify measures to ensure your Social Value is delivered and can be verified. 

This consultancy will be informed by the findings of the research project, which means you’ll be benefiting from new insights before anyone else in government.  

Everyone who signs up gets free use of the SVE Return on Investment calculator: if you want to be part of this project, tell us how here!

We think this might be helpful…

‘7 Things To Think About If You’re Doing Social Value And Want To Do It Right’

We’d love to hear from you.


Telephone: 020 3488 6223

We’re on Twitter and LinkedIn too.